Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Movie Night- 2001: A Space Odyssey


2001: A Space Odyssey 

Welcome to Movie Night with Brandon, which is basically my excuse to discuss and review any film I feel like. Whether it's a brand new film or an older one, it's whatever I feel like doing. In this series, I won't be giving grades because I don't feel that they're necessary for this particular series. With all that out of the way, let's talk about some movies. 

For those of you who don't know, Stanley Kubrick is my favorite director. So I thought it would be a great idea to open up this series with one of his most prestigious films. His films are always so well-crafted and masterful in execution and I feel like 2001 is where he definitely started developing his style as a visionary director. His films prior to this were more story driven narratives, as where 2001 is a feast for your eyes and ears. 

When this film premiered 1968, people embarked on this journey that this film takes you on. It was a very unique film then as much as it is now. The visual effects in this film are genuinely impressive, even by today's standards. The shots in space feel real and the more effects heavy scenes at the end of the movie are absolutely immersive. The visuals are also masterful just from the cinematography and overall camera work. Kubrick knows when to hold a shot and when to cut. When he holds shots you know that something important is being displayed. People always discuss the visuals in the film and rightfully so, but I don't feel like people give enough credit to the films score. The soundtrack to this film is euphoric and perfectly fits whats happening onscreen. 

When it comes to characters and dialogue, this is where the film is very subtle. While the visuals and the sounds of the film are on maximum, the story aspects fly a little bit under the radar. Especially on your first viewing, you may not even get attached to any of the characters, which I think is intentional. The human characters feel very stoic and emotionless, as where characters like Hal-9000 are given the most emotional lines and motivations. Which is interesting considering Hal-9000 is a computer and he shows the most emotions. 

I've seen this movie a few times now, and every time I watch it I feel like I  discover something new or something else clicks in my brain that makes the film feel even more brilliant. I'm not gonna give my analysis in this review because I believe you should watch it and draw your own conclusions and find your own meanings. 

Overall it's a film I definitely recommend and I also recommend you watch it at least a couple of times, It may be a very slow paced film, but if you give a chance it will grow on you with it's perfect presentation and execution. 

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